Wednesday 2 September 2009

Long time no post

Following on from my edict, that, by blogging one runs the risk of appearing narcissistic and generally wanky, Ive avoided blogging like the plague over the past couple of months. Notwithstanding this, I'm feeling drawn to say something for the 0.5 people who potentially might read it.

Looking at the first post, wow, was that me? Lots happened since then, trips to eastern shores and adventures in having my own shell cracked and cracking the shells of others. So, whats happened? Well, Ive fundementally had my opinions changed on all manners of things. Thats the problem with experiencing stuff, it tends to alter the way you see things, all those sacred cows that you held as your guides melt away with new information. So here I am thinking of adventures had since that last pitiful post, looking at that person like he's a total stranger, and wondering if the next 3 months will make who I am now into a total stranger to who Ill be then?

Jesus H, I really shouldnt write and do vodka at the same time :)).
